
Higher purpose cocoa

People & communities

Sustainable chocolate recognizes the value of families and countries

  • Conflict-free cocoa: We guarantee no child labor. Our company works with communities to promote their welfare and social development.
  • 44% of all cacao beans used in our production are delivered directly to the company by farmer’s cooperatives.

Nurseries for Peace

Cocoa Nurseries Gives:
4.2 million units of planting material
Cocoa and Wood species.

The program provides Fine Flavor Cocoa
seedlings to farmers in 7 regions

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This is Cordillera’s sustainability program, aiming to generate a long-term transformation in women cocoa producers, enabling a more prosperous and thriving value chain.

More about the Atenea program


Colombia: Shortest cocoa supply chain in the industry

Cocoa Farmer Farmer´s Cooperative/  Local Buyer Cordillera

We work directly with 115 farmers associations and cooperatives

Impact in competitive  cocoa price



We source cocoa in

27 of the 32 Colombian regions

We purchase close to

60% of the cocoa production

in Colombia

3 Research & Training Cocoa Farms

Our farms in Colombia: Training centers and experimental fields


We are proud to offer Latin-American
single origin chocolate

DCF - Deforestation and
Conversion Free cocoa

CBP (Cocoa, forest and peace)


Regenerative Agriculture

Agroforestry Systems in Colombia Cocoa Crops

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Cocoa greenhouse gases footprint


Applied Research


Clean Energies


Sources of supply

Our main sources of cocoa beans are Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

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Sources of supply

Our main sources of cocoa beans are Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

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Awards and recognition

Progress report

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